3D Reality

So, you’ve meditated everyday for a week, you’ve done the 55×5 method—twice—and you’re writing in your manifestation journal everyday. And yet…things aren’t changing. How could this be?

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Why Your 3D Reality Is Not Changing

Your 3D Reality

Everyone says if you put in the work to manifest what you want, you’ll get it. But it doesn’t seem to work. The truth is, it really does work, but the answer to why your 3D reality isn’t changing is closer to home than you might think. 

Your 3D reality isn’t changing because you’re not changing. Honey, you ARE your 3D reality! Your 3D reality is a reflection of you and your thoughts and your vibrations. IF things aren’t changing around you, it means things aren’t changing within you.

You might be meditating everyday, doing the methods, and writing in your journal. But if you haven’t changed your thoughts and feelings on your reality, it’s not going to budge. The very act of you saying “Why isn’t my 3D reality changing,” is you sabotaging yourself and undoing all your hard work by affirming that, well, your work is useless. Which makes your reality continue to show up how you don’t want it to be.

You might even say “But I’m affirming everyday!” That may be true, but there’s still a chink in the armor if you’re not seeing results. You might be affirming to yourself, but are you affirming to others? If you work with a manifestation coach, do you tell them “My life isn’t turning out to be the way I want it to be, how do I fix it?” or “My life is exactly how I want it to be, how do I make it even better?” 

Both questions are asking for advice on how to improve your life, but the first one is affirming that your life isn’t how you’re manifesting it to be, which means you’re unintentionally manifesting what you don’t want it to be. 

Remember, “energy flows to where focus goes.” Sometimes when we’re trying to manifest what we want, we accidentally manifest what we don’t want by putting more emphasis on that which we do not desire instead of on what we do desire. 

If you’re not working with a coach (I’m available to work with you if you’re looking for one!), are you affirming what you want or what you don’t want to the people around you? You don’t have to announce your manifestation, but if someone is being negative about what you want, for example, respond in a neutral or positive way. Don’t agree with them or let what they say get to you. Protect your energy and your manifestation.

Also be wary of your habits and your words. Sometimes we do and say things on autopilot that take away from the hard work we do when we’re conscious. For example, I used to get mad at my boyfriend and say he never does what’s best for us. I said it so often when angry that, even when I would sit and say “We have a perfect relationship,” the energy from my anger would take the spotlight. Now I say, “I’m upset, but I can feel better. My boyfriend is always getting better at doing things that are best for us.” I focus on what good there could be, now, instead of what’s happening to upset me.

We are affirming in everything we do and say, so we need to be cognizant of our actions and words. Affirm what you want instead of what you don’t want.

So if you’re not seeing results, don’t fret. It doesn’t mean that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work or that you’re the only person in the world who can’t intentionally manifest. It simply means you’re accidentally manifesting what you don’t want instead of what you do want. 

Take time to look for the flaw in your blueprint and edit it so that it’s a benefit to you instead. Take the negative affirmation and turn it into a positive affirmation for what you want.

You are a powerful creator. You are your 3D reality. If you do everything right and focus on what you want, you will get it. That’s a promise.

Written by Lizi Pearl | September 2021
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Remember that you are the best naturally powerful master manifestor of all the best and you are our next success story. Bye!

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