
Sometimes we wish we could change the past. Was it something you said, or an embarrassing moment, or something you just wish didn’t happen? Well, the truth is, you can change the past! And it’s as simple as rewriting it! All you need is a pen and a piece of paper—or even just your mind if that’s what you’ve got!

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What Is Revisioning?

What Is Revisioning?

You can change the past with revisioning!

What Is Revisioning?

Revisioning is a powerful manifestation tool in which you go into your past and change it for the sake of changing the path you are on now. You change the circumstances of your past in order to change the circumstances of your present and future. 

Remember that everything that happens now is a result of your past and your past manifestations, so in order to have an easier time changing your present, it makes sense to change your past first.

It might seem like an impossible task to change your past, but it is very possible for reasons that we will get into shortly.

How To Revision

In order to revision you have to rewrite your past. You can do this through scripting to rewrite your past—which is writing an event in your past in a way that you would have liked it to happen instead of the way it actually happened.

You can also do this through creative visualization, by imagining your past event the way you want it to have happened, and feeling all the details and the senses in the new past event so that it feels real.

Meditation is another great way to revision. You can follow along on a guided revisioning meditation, or you can meditate on how you would have preferred your past to have gone.

All of these methods are simple and easy to follow, so revisioning is more straight-forward than you might have originally thought.

Why Revisioning Works

There are infinite realities that exist and we are always going to find ourselves in one of them. The great thing is that we can choose the reality that we are in. Every circumstance that could ever happen exists in at least one, if not more, of the realities. 

This means that the key to living the life that we desire is to align with the reality that we want to be in—we need to find a way to enter the reality that we desire to live in.

This is done through manifesting. The only thing that changes the reality we live in is our decisions. So if you make certain decisions, you can change the future you’re going into, or you can even change the past that you’re coming from.

You manifest the future by doing manifestation methods for what you want in the future as if it’s already happening and you manifest the past by doing manifestation methods for what you want in the past as if it already happened.

Revisioning is so fun because it opens up a world of opportunities for manifesting forward and it allows you to be on the path of least resistance after letting go of the things in the past that might have been weighing you down.

Revisioning Is The Future

Revisioning is an important practice that allows us to change our future by changing our past. It is the future of manifesting because it helps us to live the life we desire now, which makes manifesting the future 1000 times easier than it is before revisioning.

Once you revision, you’ll never go back to a time when you didn’t revision, but you’ll go back to times that you can change for the betterment of your future.

Try revisioning today and change your life!

Written by Lizi Pearl | October 2021
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