The Law of Attraction

You’ve probably heard of it on TikTok or YouTube, but what is the Law of Attraction? You hear me talk about it a lot, too, but if you’re someone who is completely unaware of the powers of the Universal Law of Attraction, you’ve got to hear about this. 

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What Is The Law of Attraction?

What Is The Law of Attraction?

But first, let’s play a game. Think really hard of a yellow buggy car. Really focus on it and pretend you’re seeing it with your own eyes. Trust me, this is relevant. And then forget about it. Just let go. A yellow buggy is not that big of a deal.

Hold on to this idea and we’ll get into it later on in the post.

The Law of Attraction is a universal law, as mentioned, that allows you to literally create you reality and design your life how you want it to be.

Sounds pretty good, huh?

Well it doesn’t stop there.

People use the law of attraction to manifest money, houses, jobs they want, and some of us are manifesting relationship goal type loves. I already found mine through using the Law of Attraction, and if you’re lonely, you can, too!

Trust me, I know how it feels, but if I can do it, you can do it.

The Law of Attraction states that “like attracts like.” So what exactly is the Law of Attraction meaning here—what is “like attracts like?” It’s pretty much as it says: the Universe is made up of vibrational frequencies. You, yourself, are vibrating at a frequency. When you have high vibrations, you manifest (as we in the Law of Attraction community say) high vibrational things, like a new car, a promotion, your soulmate. 

This is called being in alignment and it’s where we want to be.

When you’re vibrating at a low frequency, you manifest low vibrational things like break-ups, spilling coffee all over yourself, and other such nonsense. 

The Universal Law of Attraction is much like any other Universal Law. Take gravity, for instance. It works 24/7/365 (366 for leap years!) and you couldn’t stop following the rules of gravity if you tried, and you don’t even realize you’re doing it most of the time, even though you’re using it always

The Law of Attraction is working all the time and you use it all the time, be it unconsciously or consciously. When we use it consciously we are able to manipulate it to our will and harness its powers to better our lives and literally alter our realities. 

That’s what we call manifesting. Technically speaking, we are manifesting all the time, but when we use that word, it usually just stands for intentional manifestation. That means we’re using it on purpose to design our lives like a Sims game. Pretty freaking epic, huh?

It doesn’t stop there. While the Law of Attraction is one law of manifestation, there are others that help us to make and live the lives we want! We’ll go into detail on those another day.

Just a sneak peek at all the awesomeness to come.

How To Use The Law of Attraction  

So by now you must be wondering “wow, this thing is so cool and I want to change my life, but how do I do it?” Well I gotcha.

It’s a lot simpler than it seems. Everything we have in our lives—and I mean everything—was brought to us by using the Law of Attraction. Even if you didn’t know it.

You probably didn’t know about gravity until first grade, but you didn’t float away, did you?

So intentionally manifesting is easier than you might think, because we already unintentionally manifest everything, anyway.

It’s all about reprogramming your mind, words, and actions to align with, to fit, with what you want to manifest. We need to start with the subconscious to train ourselves into being able to manifest things we think of as big or “impossible.” It’s like working a muscle out. You can heavylift, but only if you practice.

So start with smaller things and you’ll be manifesting your desires in no time. That’s why we played the game with the buggy. If you start seeing a yellow buggy somewhere, you’ll know you are powerful. And you are.

So once we keep playing these little manifestation games (I’ll give you more in a future post, so stick around!) then we build up our manifestation muscle. You need to convince your subconscious can manifest what you tell it to directly so that it can manifest what you tell it to directly.

Make sense?

Pretty much, reprogramming it is giving it a pep talk.

You want to do this by using subliminal methods. You can write what you want on a lot of post-its and stick them around your room in places you see, but don’t normally notice. 

You can listen to subliminals on YouTube (be careful to find a reputable source, because your subconscious is powerful, my friend).  

You can repeat affirmations to yourself over and over again.

Affirmations are statements that are spoken as true. They can be negative or positive, so make sure you’re affirming positive things to yourself. Our words and thoughts have power, as you know now, so don’t tell yourself mean things. 

Focus on good things, like thinking and saying:

I have money!

I’m in a loving relationship!

I’m healthy!

I’m smart!

I’m talented!

I’m pretty!

And so on and so forth. 

When you’re done proving to yourself that the Law of Attraction is real, then you can move on to the big steps.

Okay, you might be thinking “but is the Law of Attraction real?” And, buddy, yeah. Yes. Yes it is. I manifested the exact man of my dreams using the Law of Attraction, and so many other things, too. The Law of Attraction is the realest thing there is, if anything.

Manifesting Your Desires

So once you know “hey, this is legit,” then you can start using manifestation methods to bring what you want into your life. Remember, “what you think about, you bring about,” so think of yourself in a positive light. It’s hard, but possible. And I’m here to guide you to make it a little easier!

There are a multitude of Law of Attraction manifestation methods (kind of like manifestation games, but graduated). I wrote about 7 here to get you started. 

One of my favorite ways is to use a Law of Attraction journal, also known as a manifestation journal. This is my favorite because it can refer to a number of manifestation methods. It can be a brainstorm, it can be a free write, it can be scripting, or writing affirmations, etc. It’s pretty much journaling and writing things down to manifest what you want.

Sidenote: By the way, Write It Down Make It Happen is SUCH a good book. It’s the book that got me into the Law of Attraction NINE years ago. If you want to check it out, I’ll leave an Amazon link at the bottom of the page.

Just so you know, if you do purchase it through my page, I’ll be receiving a small commission for it from Amazon at no extra cost to you. Girl’s gotta make her money somehow!

But seriously, that book is one of my favorites and I lent it to a family friend so I need to manifest it back or manifest a new one. 

Pretty much when we manifest with writing, it’s easier to make happen. That’s because we’re using a different part of our brain than talking or thinking, and it allows our subconscious to process it in a different way.

Try it out:

Write a short story of you having what you want in the present tense and first person (i.e. “I,” “my,” “me,”), use a lot of emotional words, and express gratitude, for things you have and for the thing you want to manifest, read it over 18 times (3,6,9 are perfect numbers for manifesting), and then put it away and don’t even think about it. 

For example:

“Dear God, I am so grateful and happy and full of joy now that I am working with Sophia Lee of By Sophia Lee on a guest post for her website that will get me traffic to my beautiful website that I’m so proud of and so grateful for! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! I feel so calm and thankful. I am fulfilled.”

One of the important things we need to do with manifesting is to use the Law of Detachment. That means we’re grateful for the things we already have and we’re not attached to or obsessing over the thing we want to manifest. We’re calm, easy going, and going with the flow. It doesn’t need to happen, but if it does, cool. Do a happy dance and shout for joy from your heart.

That’s why we detached from the yellow buggy earlier. We’re not out actively searching the town for a yellow buggy. We just let it be. 

If you go about your day, inspired action will come to you and you’ll take the proper action steps to get to what you want subconsciously. I believe in you.

Law of Attraction manifestation takes practice, but once you’ve got it, like with all things, you’ve got it. It took you awhile to practice how to walk and talk, right? Now look at ‘ya! 

I really hope this post answered your question on what the Law of Attraction is and why everyone is so hyped about it on TikTok. I really believe in you and know you’ll do great things.

I’ll see you soon. Keep manifesting!

Written by Lizi Pearl | July 2021
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Remember that you are the best naturally powerful master manifestor of all the best and you are our next success story. Bye!

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