Manifesting comes naturally to all of us, but manifesting intentionally is an art, a skill, a craft that needs to be honed.
Hi, I’m Queenie Lizi Pearl! Empress Enchantress of Magic, Miracles, and Manifestations… And I want to help you manifest the life that you desire, dream of, and deserve.

We are magical creatures and creators, and we deserve to know it. I can help. I’ve been manifesting on purpose since 2012 at the tender age of 12 years old. I discovered a book among the collections of tomes in my father’s library called Write It Down, Make It Happen by Henrietta King. It immediately impressed me, and I turned to Google—in disbelief—to see if what I had learned was real and valid. If curating my reality was possible.
Not only did I discover that it’s possible, but over the years I learned that it is our birthright and our nature. I was led to The Secret movie and watched it with wonder. Since then, I’ve done countless hours of research and study and practice in the art of manifestation, conjuring the perfect present and my dream future using the natural laws of the universe.
And I’ve had so much success. I can relay tales of “coincidence,” and stories of serendipity that prove that manifesting and the synchronicities that affirm it are real. So, I know what I’m talking about and what you’re dealing with.
I mean, I’ve had A LOT of success through the years.
I’ve manifested over $12,000 intentionally, over time.
Here’s a little story:
My first intentional money manifestation was small, but obvious, and it came about through affirmations. Before bed one night, I kept affirming that I am a money magnet.
I am a money magnet.
I am a money magnet.
I am a money magnet.
I kept repeating it over and over as I got ready for bed and as I fell asleep. I was 12 and brand new to the skill of intentional manifestation.
The next day, one of my best friends and I were at the mall when I noticed a five dollar ($5!) bill on the ground. We asked if it belonged to anyone around us and they all said it didn’t and that we should keep it. My friend said I could have it since I noticed it first. A small, but evident win! I have more success stories about money, too!
I also manifested a partner in exactly two months through the list method (click here to read more about just how I did it!), but accidentally manifested turmoil in that relationship due to my limiting beliefs and repeating the same old story of a reality that I didn’t want. So, I decided to end the relationship and try manifesting a better outcome for that partner and me or starting over in a healthier relationship.

I worked on manifesting both, trusting that the Universe would give me the options I desired and that I would be able to pick which one felt more right for me. I knew that I wanted him to also find someone new if I ultimately chose a new relationship, because I still respect my former boyfriend and care for him in an intrinsically empathetic way, although at the time I was also still romantically interested in him.
I ended up manifesting a fling with one of my best friends, but also accidentally manifested resistance with him, as I had with my ex-partner. I was torn between my old feelings for my ex and my previously unrealized and new feelings with my best friend. These were the options that I manifested and the Universe delivered, just as I knew it had to. It was up to me, then, to choose which path I wanted to travel and with which partner.
Because my newer relationship with my friend was aligned with my list and my daydreams and I had less resistance and limiting beliefs toward a life with him, along with my feelings for him growing stronger by the day, I decided to follow through with manifesting him. And he knows that.
My ex was, at this time, flirting with one of his friends—not yet dating her—and begging for me to come back. While I didn’t know that he was talking to someone else, I still made the choice to stay friends with him instead of being partners, due to my decision to pursue the manifestation of my friend’s and my romance. My ex’s growing feelings for and developing relationship with this girl that I did not know about followed my desire for him to find someone if I decided not to continue manifesting a romantic relationship with him. So everything worked out in the end.
Now I’m in a happy almost two year relationship with my boyfriend, Mario, and I am so in love with him, as he is with me. We were best friends since 2015 and started seeing each other in July of 2022 before separating a bit due to resistance and manifesting through fear instead of through the fear, but we made it official in September of 2022—a few days before and the same week that Joey made it official with his girlfriend.
But there’s so much more to the story, so click here if you want to read about how I manifested my current relationship and how I overcame the turmoils, resistance, and limiting beliefs that almost manifested him away and kept us apart.
Wanna know how I also manifested one of my favorite manifestations? I manifested tickets to the Taylor Swift ERA’s tour and ended up going THREE (3!) nights in a row in May of 2023! It was a wild ride, but I was and still am so grateful for the experience. I was also lucky enough to see the movie in theaters TWICE (2x!).

Now I’m manifesting success as a manifestation blogger, vlogger/YouTuber, and coach. I am so excited to go on this journey with you and to help you manifest your wildest dreams into reality. My desire is to help you manifest your best life—one that you desire, dream of, and deserve! So follow me along this ride of a life and together let’s manifest our best lives and learn to create and curate our realities to be exactly what we want them to be! You can manifest anything, beautiful!
My name is Lizi Pearl and I can’t wait to share my experiences and knowledge with you and I’m so stoked to be able to help you! It’s a pleasure to meet you, and I hope we can talk soon and work on improving our lives for the better.
I love you, beautiful soul!
Thank you so much for taking this time to hang out with my mind and to learn more about what I can offer you…and how. Please come back soon so we can bloom and blossom together!
Thanks for the love, my new internet friend.
Your New Internet Bestie! Lizi Pearl