focus on desires

If you’ve ever tried to manifest something, but only got more of what you didn’t want, there’s a reason for that. 

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Focus On Your Desires


Manifesting is the process of bringing to life that which you desire. And it is possible, it does work, it is real. 

In order to use the Law of Attraction, you must be in alignment with that which you want.

The way the Law of Attraction works is a little counterintuitive to some, but it really works wonders.

Attraction Explained

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. The Universe is built on vibrational frequencies. Nikola Tesla—absolute genius and the namesake of Elon Musk’s Tesla car company—said so himself. The Universe is built on vibrational frequencies.

We attract what we are on the same frequency as. The “like” in saying “like attracts like” is the same vibration. 

Positive vibrations attract positive vibration things and negative vibrations attract negative vibration things. 

The higher the vibration we emit, the better our quality of life.

When we focus on positive emotions and what we want, we are vibrating at a high frequency that attracts good things and what we desire to us. 

That’s great! Right? So…what’s the problem?

Focusing On What You Want

Well, you see, a lot of people tend to focus on what they don’t want instead of what they want.

They’ll think they’re focusing on what they want, but they’ll be focusing on what they don’t want and not wanting it.

This is a problem for two reasons:

  1. The subconscious mind does not recognize the word “not” so if you think you do not want something, you’ll end up manifesting it.
  2. When you think, for example, “I do not want debt,” you’re still focusing on “debt.”

How do we fix this? 

It’s simple: we have to switch the negative for the positive and you must focus only on what you want.

If you don’t want debt, think to yourself “I want to be financially free and financially abundant.” It means the same thing as what we mentioned will bring you more debt, except it means something different to your subconscious

If your subconscious hears you say you do not want debt, it’ll bring you debt.

If your subconscious hears you say you want to be financially free and financially abundant, bam! You have money in excess.

Lack vs Abundance

Another problem a lot of people face is that they feel the lack of what they want instead of having what they want.

When you want to manifest something, you want to pretend you already have it.

If I want to manifest $10,000 but I keep affirming that I don’t have it through my thoughts, language, feelings, and words, it’s not going to show up. If I look around and keep noticing that it hasn’t arrived yet, it’s not going to show up.

These examples would be me focusing on lack and how I do not have what I want. Then guess what? I won’t!

If I want to manifest $10,000 I have to look around and see opportunity. I have to pretend I already have it and plan for the things I want to spend it on. I have to see the opportunity to make money at every corner and the opportunity to spend it in every nook and cranny. 

I have to feel that I already have it. When I look around, I see it. I have the money. I know that it’s here.

That’s living in the abundance mindset. 

Both situations involve manifesting, but one is manifesting something you don’t want, and one is manifesting something you do want.

Because we are always manifesting, everything in our lives have been manifested. It’s a matter of being conscious and manifesting that which we do want rather than what we do not want.

We do this through focusing only on what we want and affirming the reality that we want to live in.

So here’s to us manifesting $10,000! You’ve got this! Cheers!

Written by Lizi Pearl | July 2021
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