Inspired Action

The Universe speaks to us. It whispers secrets of success to us. It begs us to take inspired action. But what is inspired action? And how do we take inspired action?

What Is Inspired Action?

Inspired action is what we call those intuitive feelings we get when we just have to go somewhere or do something out of nowhere. We feel inspired to take an action. It always leads to a positive outcome if we take it.

For example, if you’ve ever had a gut feeling to take a risk and you end up winning big from it, it’s because you took inspired action. 

It also comes naturally and easily to us.

So if you’re ever going about your day and you end up just taking a different direction than you had initially planned and end up somewhere great that answers a question you’ve been asking or manifests what you’ve been working on manifesting, you took inspired action.

Inspired action allows us to see paths that would have been otherwise invisible to us. It’s your subconscious, God, and the Universe—or whatever you may believe in—leading us in the right direction. It takes us where we want to go when we don’t even know the way. It gives us the way.

When you manifest things, you don’t want to just sit around and do nothing all day. Nothing will come of that. You want to go about your day and take inspired action.

You take inspired action by taking the path of least resistance and following your gut feelings. You go about your day as comfortably as you can, and then when you have the true feeling to do something risky, you do it.

However, you don’t want to confused inspired action with impulsivity.

Inspired action leads to positive outcomes, as I mentioned before. Impulsivity leads to negative outcomes in most cases.

The way you tell the difference between inspired action and impulsivity is by how it comes to you.

Is it a thought that popped into your mind or a feeling that suddenly comes upon you that makes you feel excited and giddy? Or is it a feeling that you compulsively want to take—like feeding an addiction.

If it’s the latter, it’s impulsivity. If it’s the former, it’s inspired action.

Inspired action feels good and does not lead to regret. Impulsivity does lead to regret. Feel good, don’t fret, don’t do things that lead to regret.

Think of it this way: Inspired action is the angel on your shoulder and impulsivity is the demon on your shoulder.

Listen to the good voice in your head, not the bad one.

When you want to follow inspired action, allow yourself to remain open to different possibilities and different opportunities. 

This is why we don’t get attached to how our manifestation comes about, nor do we get attached to the outcome. 

You have to be open to possibilities that are what you want, or better than what you want. You also have to keep your eyes open for different opportunities.

An opportunity can come in any form. Inspired action can come in any form.

If you receive a phone call that you just have to answer and it leads to you making a sale, you were open to an opportunity and followed inspired action.

The phone call was the opportunity and you feeling you have to answer it was the inspired action.

Following inspired action is the key to success. Inspired action is the secret path that reveals itself to us at the right time.

If you follow inspired action, you’ll be able to manifest things like crazy! 

So, follow your gut and follow your heart. Inspired action will take you to where you want to go, even if you don’t know how. It is the how you’ve been looking for. You just need to be patient and easygoing. 

Written by Lizi Pearl | September 2021
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Inspired thoughts

Path of least resistance

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